Also, I have to get better because - Road Trip! We're driving to Bend tomorrow which is nine hours away by car and the trip cannot be put off because my sister is moving to Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan is like 196 hours away by car.
Have I not mentioned that? So anyway, my sister is moving to Kazakhstan, with her family, for two years. At least. Probably I haven't mentioned it because I don't want to talk about it really. Do you even know where Kazakhstan is? Possibly, you do. If not, I have provided a helpful map above. But that doesn't matter. I've given this a lot of thought and it's not about Kazakhstan. Of course it isn't. It's never about Kazakhstan. Just as it's always the mother's fault and no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. I'd go on, but we're risking a nine paragraph tirade about family dynamics and all you came for was a story about my underwear - see, I know who I'm talking to. And so....
Abetting my speedy recovery is the fact that I am wearing my new Liberty of London bra which I found (at the drastically-reduced price of four dollars and twenty-four cents) rummaging thru the lingerie section at Target (and I use the term "lingerie" loosely) whither I had gone because I was mad at my handsome husband for buying a cooler the size of a coffin. It is bringing me great joy today (the bra, not the cooler). Not a great enough joy to offset the removal of one's sister to Khazakstan, but what do you expect for $4.24?
Abetting my speedy recovery is the fact that I am wearing my new Liberty of London bra which I found (at the drastically-reduced price of four dollars and twenty-four cents) rummaging thru the lingerie section at Target (and I use the term "lingerie" loosely) whither I had gone because I was mad at my handsome husband for buying a cooler the size of a coffin. It is bringing me great joy today (the bra, not the cooler). Not a great enough joy to offset the removal of one's sister to Khazakstan, but what do you expect for $4.24?
At last, I wish to thank you, you who have alone read to the end of this post. You have good qualities too numerous to count and you use them to your best advantage. Plus, you look smokin' hot today. I adore you and I promise to be slightly more coherent on my return.