Showing posts with label make me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make me. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You Win!

If you've made the best strawberry jam at the County Fair, if you're a really good driver, if you've emptied the dishwasher.... You should be commended. Your Prize Ribbon will be waiting for you at Renegade Craft at Fort Mason on December 19th and 20th. Have I mentioned it enough yet? I'm a teensy bit excited about it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Goodies for Renegade!

Wooly tweedy lacy frilly goodies for Renegade. With cowgirl snaps.
Three weeks to Renegade and time to start stressing in earnest - complete with anxiety attacks, all-nighters and periodically bursting into flames. Inhale. Exhale.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Goodies for Renegade!

DIY Vintage Quilt Kits.... I could eat them up, I love them so.

Monday, November 2, 2009

OooLooky: Branding!

Sewing a label on your product. Good idea! I'm not a hundred and fifty thousand percent in love with these (as one would hope to be), but they do the job. And when people covetously ogle your new MamaGoToMarket Bag and ask you where you got it, you'll be able to say: "It's from BananaSaurus Rex!" rather than, "Um.... It was on the internet - something with a lizard and a fruit? Maybe?"
Also? I'm pretty sure that Johnny Damon and I are related, based on the following evidence: He used to play for the Boston Red Sox and I'm from Massachusetts AND his last name is Damon and my grandmother's maiden name is Damon. Just sayin.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thank you, Mrs. Parker....

The oft-quoted Dorothy Parker (poet and drinker with suicidal tendencies) famously said:
The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Septembery Goodness....

September's palette is inspired by crisp mornings and warm afternoons....go shopping!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Trying to get my groove back....

I was blue, so I cut a couple of hundred little hearts. And sewed them together. See?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Orange rick rack.

There's nothing like orange rick rack to put a smile on your face.
Just look.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I heart snacks.

I especially heart snacks that come in RE-usable Snack Baggies! They're even more delicious that way because you know you're being thrifty and kind to the earth at the same time. What could be better? $12 for two, $30 for six - and for now, the shipping is on me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Confirmation that I am awesome: Lolliblog

Remember my Extra-Ordinary Little Jars? One of them is featured on Lolliblog - a ravishingly beautiful party planning blog. Imagine that! Actually, you don't even Have to imagine it, just go there and take a peek!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I heart alpacas.

I don't really heart them. They're kind of weird tall sheep. But so soft.
And look look what I bought when we went to visit Spruce Ridge Farm in Old Chatham, NY - where you can get gloriously soft yarn, handspun from the fleece of an animal you just saw, running around in the yard. Maybe I do heart them after all....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Looky Looky!

Look look look what came in the mail today! I'm clapping my hands with joy! I found these in Grandma's basement and my uncle Rob shipped them out to me. Grandma used to make braided wool rugs and this fabric has to have been stashed away for at least fifteen years. And it smells fine. Will wonders never cease? Now, if only I knew how to make a rug....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hello Bluebird!

I sent some goods off today, to Hello Bluebird in West Reading, PA. Grand Opening on September 3 - let's All go! Want to?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ordinary little jars.

Just some ordinary little jars - I think they're extraordinarily lovely though. Wait 'til you see what goes in them! It's rather an over-abundance of loveliness.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I heart hearts.

Instead of lamenting today, I sewed all these little hearts together.
100 of them.

Monday, May 18, 2009

We can do it!

Wandering aimlessly has been pretty wonderful, but Mamas gotta have their Go To Market Bags, so the Factory is re-opening this week. Working conditions here at the Factory are pretty deplorable. We do have Peet's coffee and on-site child ignoring, but otherwise.... Maybe, I'll form a Union! I just need to get organized, and make a list of demands, and chain myself to the fence....
Anything to avoid doing actual work.