People keep telling me that I look tired. Not my friends, just a random assortment of probably-well-meaning acquaintances. I won't walk my kids to school anymore without sunglasses, because someone will tell me I look tired and honestly, it's discouraging.
And really? I'm not tired. By 8:30 in the morning, I've been up for two and a half hours, I've run 3 miles, and had a cup of coffee and a shower. I've organized three other people and pushed them out the front door. I may have even written a ranty, incoherent blog post. I feel great. I even thought I looked pretty good until someone told me I look tired.
The truth is, I'm aging. And I'm fine with that. I'm 42 and this is what I look like. Tired, apparently.
And if I do look tired, my lovely, sweet well-meaning acquaintances? Why would you tell me that? Even if I AM tired, I don't want to hear about it, do you? And what am I supposed to say? I'm working on some possible responses.....
1. I have typhoid (accompanied by loud, wet coughing in your general direction).
2. Your husband kept me up all night.
3. Thanks! So do you!
What do you think?
I found some other suggestions on the
Going forward, those of you who clearly have unrealistic expectations for my face, Hush. And I'll go pluck out my eyebrows and draw them in 2 inches higher.
ps. Petra bought me those awesome sunglasses so I can look wakier in the morning!