Thursday, October 27, 2011

Not winning Mother Of The Year. Again.

Serious flailing today. By the time I got the kids out the door for school, we all wanted to murder each other, then I made the mistake of visiting the internet.
Children not listening to you? Maybe you're not modeling good listening.
Make getting dressed a game! Yeah. A game called Just Get Dressed Because You're 8 For Pete's Sake. Except take out the Pete and put in the Fword.
I'm not proud of myself, I'm just saying.
Then my project went all askew and by the time I got it going in the right direction, it was 2:30.
Then I lost my keys.


  1. Oh my goodness, I relate to this on so many happy to come here and have a laugh over it!! Ah! I'm sending your calendar out today, thanks so much for your support!!! xo


Do babble on in the most animated language you can muster. I love hearing from you.