Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Galloping and expanding faster every day like the universe.

Do you ever have an idea that's galloping around in your head and expanding faster every day like the universe? And you're dying to get that idea out of your head and into your hands so you can work with it and see if it's really really real but you can't right this very minute because the fall fundraiser at your kids' school is on Friday and you're in charge of it? Does that ever happen to you?
Beautiful things I'm looking at by Mia Nolting (via DesignMom), TurtlesCreek, and Matthew Rose (via DesignSponge).

1 comment:

  1. That happens to me almost every day, except usually what I have to do is not even as exciting as planning a fund raiser but more like driving car pool or something similar. Those thoughts run wild.


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