Okay, so I'm super inspired re-upholster a tired old chair in my living room. And, this is what super inspired looks like around here.....
Spend a day looking at pictures online.
Write a blog post about it.
In about six months, get tired of looking at the old chair and trying to cover the ripped parts with decorative pillows. Start trying to convince handsome husband that, in spite of lacking knowledge or experience, am perfectly capable of re-upholstering a simple chair.
Move the chair to the garage and spend a day taking it apart. Feel rather satisfied with work for about 24 hours.
Choose fabric. It will be expensive. This could take weeks.
This is the point at which I am most likely realize that this task is far from simple and that I am woefully under-qualified to be performing it.
A few more months will pass, during which I have nowhere to park my car and nowhere to sit.
Bring chair to a professional.
The very best part is: I'll probably attempt it anyway!