Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, 7 AM.

As I am sifting through the ream of paper that comes home from school each week to determine which field trips/parties/contests assemblies/a-thons need forms/volunteers/permission slips and/or a check written immediately if not sooner, and which are already late, my 7-year-old says:
Mama, what's sex?
And as I'm wondering, Should I have seen this coming? and How did I not see this coming? and Where is my coffee? and preparing to say something along the lines of Well, it's like an extra-special hug between consenting adults now eat your toast, he says:
You know, where you have to fill in either M or F. What is that?


  1. we have a great book we picked up at barnes and noble called "it's so amazing" perfect for this age. i just made it available for the kids to read and then we could chat about may want to check it out.

  2. Thank you Nicole! When he asks "for real" I'll be ready!


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