Dreaming of swarms and schools and tiny individuals that move as a group, weaving in and out. Undulating. Clouds and rivers and wind, crowds, and the whole being greater than the sum of it's parts.
Trying not be overwhelmed by one million tiny logistical details, by which I am daunted, but shouldn't be, but am. Which makes me feel.... elderly. Like a leeetle old lady who won't drive at night anymore.
I'm Rebecca Thoms Hanley - the heart and soul of BananaSaurus Rex. I'm an inadequate housewife, absent-minded mother and Everyday Adventurer! If you like hyperbole, reckless enthusiasm and liberal use of the word "awesome," read on....
I LOVE these, that swirling entity one...swooning a little bit. Thanks for introducing me to all of these new Etsy shops!