Tuesday, March 13, 2012

By dew bess fren.

Ughsh. I woke up yesterday feeling yucky and now have a full blown cold. I usually don't have the opportunity to slow down for a germy sniffle, but Julie told me: If you were a man, you'd just lie down and moan. So I decided to man up and lie down on the couch with a blanket and three hours of Firefly on TV. It's not a super good show but now I'm addicted. Also, I still don't feel good.
pretty pretty picture by Ottilie Simpson.


  1. Ugh how dreadful for you - although I do like the idea of your 'manning up' and taking to couch. I might just try that next time I'm ill :) Just been reading through your recent posts - I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandpa, but by golly he sounds like he had a wonderful brood around him. Hope you feel better soon. Take care, Annie x


Do babble on in the most animated language you can muster. I love hearing from you.