Well, that's just so scrumptious, I can barely stand it. Seeing as how you posted it several days ago, and I'm just now seeing it, I'm sad and dismayed that I missed out on it all that time. Yep, I think me and that lil video are gonna be havin' a standing date for, oh, at least the next month or so. I wonder if it's married.....
I'm Rebecca Thoms Hanley - the heart and soul of BananaSaurus Rex. I'm an inadequate housewife, absent-minded mother and Everyday Adventurer! If you like hyperbole, reckless enthusiasm and liberal use of the word "awesome," read on....
Well, that's just so scrumptious, I can barely stand it. Seeing as how you posted it several days ago, and I'm just now seeing it, I'm sad and dismayed that I missed out on it all that time. Yep, I think me and that lil video are gonna be havin' a standing date for, oh, at least the next month or so. I wonder if it's married.....