Pretty, right? Wrong. I live in the
burbs, which means that on our street you have one of four possible floorplans and everyone has these bottom-of-the-line gauranteed-not-to-offend-anyone oak cabinets with a kind of honey colored stain. I'd love to pretend that the photo above was the actual "before" shot. But, it's not....

This is the "before" shot. This is the spot in our house that my handsome husband not-so-affectionately calls "the Shove." Yeah. Before you get all it's-not-so-bad and everybody-has-one, I see a Christmas ornament shoved in there.
We do need a place for the homework and school supplies to land, but this is ridiculous. First, I had to
Half it, which was not that hard since it was mainly Christmas ornaments and public elementary school menus from last May. "After" shots coming soon!