Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Worlds collide!
My handsome husband's favorite show ran a piece on Etsy. See Honey, it IS real! And? I managed to put a video on the blog - technology!
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Daily: If we had a dog....

Me: Can we put what? where?
Fin: The dog.
Me: What dog?
Fin: Big dog, short legs.
Me: Ummmm, like this? (see above)
Fin: Yes! No. That's big ears, small dog, short legs. Yes, that's our dog.
Me: You don't seem 100% sure. Maybe we should keep looking.
Fin: Okay.
Just as well, for I've heard that basset hounds have a "deep and musical voice" and I'm not sure I'm 100% down with that. Thank you, for helping us narrow it down, to SharonMontrose. It's a lovely photo, isn't it?
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My picks for the Poppies: Jewelry.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Daily: If we had a dog....

Seamus: If we had a dog, there wouldn't be five people in our family. There would be four people and one dog.
Me: That makes a whole lot of sense.
Polaroid by futurowoman. Isn't it lovely?
My picks for the Poppies: Housewares.

Go vote for your fave maker of Handmade Housewares here. My pick: chakra pennywhistle.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
A remote and snowy place.
This morning we are going to a remote and snowy place which features snow and remoteness and in-access to things like the internet. My handsome husband said to me, in his most concerned tone of voice: Are you going to be okay with that?
Yes. I said. And, I shall. I may have to employ lamaze breathing and cabernet sauvignon, but I will survive.
Maybe I will even like it!
Hee. Scratch that last part - I forgot who we were talking about.
My picks for the Poppies: Eco Artist.
Okay. I can't tell you my pick for this one because I'm NOMINATED, people! And here's my official position on that: It's an honor just to be nominated.
Unofficially? Do you have any idea how thrilled I'd be in the unlikely event that I won? It becomes a lot less unlikely if you go here, right now, without hesitation, and vote for BananaSaurus Rex. Which? Is actually spelled incorrectly on the ballot (yes, how fitting) so if you wouldn't mind voting for "BananSaurus Rex" I'm sure we'll get it all sorted.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My picks for the Poppies: Affordable Art.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thinking about Haiti.
My picks for the Poppies: Crafters.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I've noticed lately that when the work is going well, I'm invincible and euphoric about everything and when it's not going well, I'm destroyed. Brilliant observation, yes?
And it only took me 40 years to figure that out.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
More loveliness.
I love a girl who loves to make a list.
I am a girl who loves to make a list.
If you're in the mood to read a particularly nice list?
I suppose it's possible you don't enjoy a good list.
As much as I do.
I don't know.
Friday, January 15, 2010
How lovely is that?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
To market, to market....
I must confess: I am currently experiencing a rare moment of complete satisfaction.
Those of you who know me (or read the blog with any regularity) know that my prevailing attitude toward my own work is one of extreme insecurity (or ridiculous bravado - which is motivated by and only partially obscures the aforementioned extreme insecurity). So, let me have my moment.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Things to do today:

Let go of worry and fear.
Do best and most beautiful work.
Take frequent milk-and-cookie breaks with young gentlemen.
Acknowledge own fragility.
Embrace an amazing opportunity.
Get ready to fly.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
How lovely is that?

5 x 7 inch print, $10 at hushmouse
Friday, January 8, 2010
Hello, Baltimore.

I have some news....
BananaSaurus Rex will be at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore on February 25 - 28, 2010. This is exciting news, to be sure, and astonishing and terrifying. And I'm sure that I will be very excited about it just as soon as I get over my astonishment and terror. It may be a while.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
You know what I love?
You know what I love about blogging? That the post I thought would bore your pants off garnered a comment from a total stranger about how I got it all wrong. Oh, how I heart the internet.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Winner. m-hm.

It's a Dolan Geiman.
It's a bird.
Just sayin.
Of birds and boring you.

I had this dream a few nights ago (and Yes, I'm aware that the best and fastest way to bore you is to recount the contents of my dreams, and yet I press on) in which I found a nest of five tiny speckled eggs. I brought the nest inside and the eggs hatched five teensy weensy perfectly-formed adult owls that whistled sweetly, flew around the house and fit themselves into wee spaces like thimbles and pistachio shells.
I'm so obsessed with this dream that I had to do online dream interpretation (and Yes, I'm aware that this is tantamount to believing in astrology or Keynesian economic theory, and yet I press on). This is what I found: Birds and eggs are generally a very good omen. If you dream of a nest full of eggs, you will soon see some financial gains. If the eggs are few or tiny, your windfall will be small but significant, coming at a time when you need it most. But, if you see birds hatching, your gain will be delayed.
Not a bad start to the new year, right?
Now I see birds everywhere. The keychain Julie bought me has birds on it, and the necklace she is wearing today. There was a bird stuck in the gym at school and Bob Marley's Three Little Birds is stuck in my head. I could go on and on.
Are you bored yet?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I am resolved....
1. To bend time and space.
2. To become the new darling of the craft world and a local celebrity.
3. To brush my teeth Before taking the kids to school 90% of the time.
Friday, January 1, 2010
How lovely is that?

2010 is new. It might be terrible. Might be as fabulous as you can make it. Might be Whatever you want.
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