Monday, January 7, 2013

Around here....

Around here, it's not so easy to get back into our usual schedule. This morning my alarm woke me out of full REM sleep and a dream about Santa Claus.
All of the appliances are failing - no hot water, the Wii remotes are shot, the garage door won't go up - until it won't go down. Heater won't go on. Heater won't go off. As soon as we fix one thing, something else goes. First world problems, I know. The dryer almost burnt the house down. On the upside, I now have a thermostat that I can control with my phone! No kidding. I'm not sure I see the point, but somebody is really excited about it. Of course, that same somebody decided to update my system, so now the phone is all jacked up.
At least the alarm went off, right?

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Do babble on in the most animated language you can muster. I love hearing from you.