Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday. Already?

Seems like yesterday was Monday and now it's Thursday and I've missed you so.
But I've been dealing with a special needs child who has become especially needy and I've been going to meetings and hearing things about the spectrum and cognitive inflexibility and reading books called The Explosive Child (Which I keep calling The Exploding Child. Hm? Yeah.) and learning about techniques called The Nurtured Heart Approach and other such loveliness.
Plus, it's allergy season and that has introduced a whole new set of nasal sprays and inhalers to the household. When did life become so complicated?
Also, I won an election by creating an air of inevitability, not unlike Mitt Romney. It really works!
And I moved the compost heap. I don't think you heard me: I Moved the Compost Heap.
Here's a helpful list of things that do not readily decay:
Avocado pits
Pistachio shells
Any part of the pineapple
Tennis balls
Live mice.


  1. Crikey moving the compost heap is impressive. Funny how live mice don't compost easily :) Congratulations on your election win - does this mean you're Mitt Romney's running mate (joking!). Perhaps The Exploding Child is a better title - it feels like that to me at times. And I'm intrigued - if you don't mind me asking do you work with a special needs child on the autism spectrum, or is he/she one of yours? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

  2. i have lots of thinks I want to say in response to this post but I fear they will all come a cross flat in in comment box. I'll try though.
    My heart goes out to you on so many levels, being the mama of a special needs kid myself. sending you all the love in the world.
    As for compost heaps, I love love love harvesting it...bravo of moving it...we need to move a raise veggie forgot to add fruit stickers to your list, unless of course you are compost rock star and remove the stickers everytime! Live mice, oh joy oh bliss...heat that hap up and get those rodents outta there!
    happy weekending.


Do babble on in the most animated language you can muster. I love hearing from you.