Thursday, December 23, 2010

Five days.

My little monkeys have been at Grandma and Grandpa's for the last five days and I have been hunting and gathering the last few things on the christmas lists, carousing a little bit too much, staying up too late, watching tv while I eat.... but mostly making new things and singing along. Life is interesting, the cold air feels good, we get a little more light each day for the next few months, and "don't ask don't tell" is a thing of the past.
Best of all, we leave today to join the monkeys and eat gingerbread til we pop.
Merry Christmas, my dears. Back soon.


  1. From one absent-minded mother and ambivalent blogger to another.. I enjoy your blog. Wishing you happy travels and a joyous holiday season!

  2. Have the Happiest, Merriest Christmas! Can't wait to continue babbling with you in the New Year. :)



Do babble on in the most animated language you can muster. I love hearing from you.