So, here's the thing: If my business grows just a teensy bit more, I'm going to need help. Or, right now. Actually, I probably should have hired someone like a month ago. This is good, right? Great even.
But, no. As usual, I am angst-ridden, undersleeping and overthinking. I have issues.
For example: Why can't I handle this myself? It's not as if this is a full-time job for me. It's just that with the mothering and the housekeeping, I'm fighting a war on three fronts. And losing. Other moms do this. And some of them have more kids than I do. Am I incompetent?
And: The last thing I want to do is hire out the sewing or the child care. Because those are the things I actually like (I'm undaunted by the fact that they tend to be mutually exclusive). I'd like to hire someone to do the errands and the laundry and tidy up a bit. Is that hireable? I'm thinking not.
Plus: I have an 8-page rant about the it's-so-hard-to-find-good-help set that I won't share with you right now. It pretty much boils down to never wanting to say the words, "It's so hard to find good help."
Also: It possible that I have a fear of success equal to or greater than my fear of failure. (Admittedly, that has been irrelevant so far.)
Furthermore: I suck at delegating. But that seems like a flaw worth fixing. (Unlike my persistent daydreaming and inability to accessorize, which don't seem worth doing anything about.)
A cry for help? So, if you're nice and you've ever gone through this and have great advice for me - gimme a shout. Or, even if you're just nice.