Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Real Housewives of the PTA (Livermore Style)

I started my new job yesterday. Like all of my other current employment, my new job requires a large commitment of time and energy, and pays zero dollars. I'm financial secretary for the PTA. Stop laughing.
Seriously, shut up.
I'll wait.
I suggested that, as a fundraiser, we do the Real Housewives of the PTA (Livermore Style). My obviously dim-witted neighbor suggested that we are too boring the be the Real Housewives. Thanks, Mike!
Have you seen the Real Housewives? Of course you have. I'm simultaneously drawn to and repelled by it. (It's sort of the same feeling I have about cheerleading competitions, but that's another whole blog post.) I would argue that we are neither well-enough groomed, nor well-enough shod to be the Real Housewives, but too boring? Certainly not. Mike is clearly not paying attention.
Off to make my handsome husband a martini and tell him we need a pool boy. And a pool.

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