For five years I have been laboring under the (false, it turns out) impression that I live in a yellow house with lavender trim and green shutters. It's exactly as bad as it sounds. But alas, I was mistaken. Or, tra-la! I was mistaken! Depending on your point of view. Also, the front door is dark purpley-blue. As seen
Yes, the light is crooked.
So anyway, on Thursday I decided that my life would be sweeter if the front door was a different color. This promises to be an excellent story, doesn't it? Go fill up your wine glass and come back. I will wait.
While my handsome husband ably pulled the door of it's hinges and stripped it, I sashayed off to the paint store with absolutely no plan other than "do not buy dark purpley-blue paint." And I didn't. What I did buy was a gorgeous Sky Space for the door and Snow Cap - a lovely warm white - for the trim.

Snow Cap turns out to be exactly (Exactly) the same color as my house. So, good news! My house is not yellow, lavender and green. It's a lovely warm white, lavender and green. Sweet!

Sky Space turns out to be exactly (Exactly) the same gorgeous color that my neighbor just painted her porch.
Another person might be discouraged that she was now in possession of two gallons of paint that she could not use, but I am jubilant because I have discovered my latent superpower! I have exact (Exact) color memory! Not for colors I can use, but still! Now, if only I can learn to control my power and use it for evil! mwahahahaha!
Moving on. My neighbor, Kiera, made lots of encouraging noises like: "I don't mind," and "It will look completely different on your house," but no. My handsome husband is anti-teal. This is News to me. Almost twelve years we have been married, and I had no idea he was anti-teal. He is also anti-pink, but not anti-Miami, I have since learned after a thorough (and probably somewhat annoying) questioning. Superpower notwithstanding, I'm going back to the paint store.

Brief soccer interlude.

At Lowe's, where you Can return paint, I have lost all credibility with the staff.
Are you sure?
Do you want a sample can?
Maybe you want to think about it for a few days?
What they don't understand is that I have porch envy and Seasonal Affective Disarray and a front door off it's hinges (and a superpower). Against their professional advice, I left with a quart each of Bay Sands and Caraway Shield and a strong hopefulness that my handsome (long-suffering) husband is not anti-olive. More photos tomorrow....